YOGYAKARTA - Coffee single origin is usually found on the list of cafe menus or coffee shops. The term single origin' is familiar to coffee fans. But for ordinary people or just being coffee lovers is certainly not familiar and want to know what is single Origin coffee?

Currently drinking coffee has become a habit and lifestyle among young people. Hanging out in a cafe can even be said to be a routine agenda on the sidelines of college or work. In addition, more and more people are starting to feel comfortable working from anywhere (WFA) or working from anywhere, one of which is in a cafe.

Along with the increasing trend of coffee, many people are interested in understanding more about coffee. Not only recognizing the technique of making and the types of presentations, but also exploring the origin of processed coffee products. Including wanting to know what single-oriented coffee is and its types in Indonesia?

Single Origin is a coffee product made from the same type of coffee. This coffee comes from one source that can be from the same area, the same area, or the same plant. You could say that single original coffee with the taste of one type of coffee because it is not mixed with other types of coffee.

Single origin is a term to refer to the origin of coffee beans that are usually cultivated with the quality standards of coffee production. This coffee is produced and taken from such as single farm or single estate to mention one plantation or coffee factory in certain areas.

Before discussing coffee single origin, it is important to know that coffee products are generally divided into two categories, namely blend and single Origin. As the name suggests, blend coffee is made by mixing various types of coffee beans. The main goal is to produce a body and a specific taste profile on the final result of the coffee.

Indonesia is a coffee producer that varies and spreads across various regions. There are several single-orgin coffees with local characteristics. Some types of single-orgin coffee that are well known, such as Malabar coffee from Bandung, Gayo coffee from Aceh, Toraja coffee from South Sulawesi, and Mandailing coffee from North Sumatra.

Gayo coffee is one of the single-orgin coffees that is very popular in Indonesia. This coffee is known for its congestion and low acid levels. Gayo coffee acid can even smell from its aroma. In addition, several baristas feel the sensation of fruits such as pineapple and leci in Gayo coffee.

The second type of coffee single origin is Malabar coffee from Bandung. This coffee from West Java is famous for its balanced and tongue-friendly taste. This grain has a low acidity level and a sweet aroma.

It's not complete to talk about coffee without tasting coffee from South Sulawesi. Toraja coffee is a local coffee product that is already global. This coffee has a thick texture and a low acidity level. The aroma is similar to tea, with a touch of tamarind flavor and a little brown.

Next, there is coffee single origin Kintamani from Bali. This coffee is known for its high acidity level, not too thick, with a little bitter taste. Uniquely, Kintamani coffee can provide a touch of other attractive tastes such as oranges and nuts.

The last local single Origin coffee has Mandailing coffee. This type of coffee grows in the volcanic mountain area, making it one of the highest quality coffees. Like other single origin coffee, Mandailing coffee has a low acidity level and offers the aroma of fruits, spices, and flowers.

Demikianlah review apa itu kopi single Origin yang harus ditangami oleh para penikmat kopi. Kopi single Origin sangat cocok bagi Anda yang ingin mengenai minuman kopi dengan rasa yang konsisten. Baca juga mengenal karakteritas kopi nusantara.

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