The Polda Metro Jaya police said that the case involving Ria Ricis related to alleged threats and extortion had been upgraded to an investigation status.

This was conveyed by the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol. Ade Ary where his team had examined several witnesses and examined the evidence received.

"Several witnesses were then examined. Yesterday, Monday, investigators had raised their handling status to an investigation," said Ade Ary at Polda Metro Jaya, Tuesday, June 11.

"An examination of the barbuk security was carried out and then the case was held, finally the investigators of the Cyber Sub-Directorate of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya raised their status to an investigation because there were allegations of criminal acts," he explained.

Ade Ary also said that Ria Ricis was asked to send Rp300 million if her personal data in the form of photos and videos did not want to be distributed.

"Then the next update is that investigators are currently investigating the victim's catate to receive threats through WA from 2 cellphone numbers and the threatening person asks for Rp300 million to be sent to an account number in the name of a liar," said Ade Ary.

He also said that Ria Ricis emphasized that the personal data on the photos and videos that were threatened with spreading were not his exciting photos or videos.

"Based on the victim's statement, the threat of spreading personal documents by this threat, the personal documents are not in the form of photos or exciting videos. This is the victim's statement, examination of investigators," he said.

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