YOGYAKARTA Knowing tips for caring for batik cloth will help clothes with batik motifs stay durable and their color does not fade. Because batik cloth care is different from factory textile care considering batik is painted manually or with hands. In addition, several batik brands also use natural dyes so special care is needed on batik cloth.

Tips for caring for batik include how to wash, dry, and store them. Check out the following tips.

For some people, soaking clothes with washing soap is done so that dirt can be easily lost. However, this method is not suitable for wearing clothes or batik cloth. Because washing soap is made of hard ingredients that have the potential to damage motifs.

If the dirt in the batik cloth is difficult to remove, rinse with warm water. Don't use too hot water, it is feared that it will damage the cloth. Warm water helps lift stubborn spots such as sweat marks on the neck or in the armpit.

Avoid using ordinary detergents, it is recommended to use batik-specific washing soap which is widely sold on the market. Or you can use natural ingredients such as lerak fruit liquids that have long been used for washing batik.

rubbed clothes or fabrics are allowed to use stiff hair brushes. However, the situation is different on batik cloth. When washing, I just check with my hand or use a sponge so as not to damage the cloth or batik color.

Batik cloth does not need to be blackmailed hard. You can slightly moisturize the cloth so that the water that absorbs a little less. Drying can be done immediately.

Don't dry batik cloth in the sun directly. You can dry it in a shady and not stuffy place. Drying can occur with room temperature. The light of the sun will make the batik ink fade until the stripe.

As much as possible avoid using the washing machine, including the dryer. The engine turns have the potential to damage the fabric and motifs, especially on the batik.

After dry, don't iron the cloth or batik clothes directly. The right trick method of batik clothes is to rub the cloth on the inside or give a thin cloth cover on the surface of the batik cloth. Or you just brush the batik shirt with your hands after being dried in the sun before being folded.

For batik clothes to last longer after folding, it is recommended to wrap them, either using plastic or paper. This method is done so that the cloth is not easily tangled and avoid insects or destructive animals such as rats.

Don't just put the batik shirt in the laundry basket. Immediately wind the batik shirt so that the sweat that sticks to the dry shirt first.

In addition to washing methods, it is recommended to find out recommendations for Solo batik motifs that are suitable for young people and adults.

Those are some tips for caring for batik cloth so that it is more durable and does not fade. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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