YOGYAKARTA Flek or light bleeding that comes out of the vagina is often considered an early sign of menstruation. In fact, the release of spots can be a sign of young pregnancy that usually occurs on 10-14 days after conception. So, what are the differences between pregnant and menstrual spots?

Quoted from AI-Care, the spots that occur before menstruation are a sign that the uterus is preparing to decay. This condition can be followed by stomach cramps, back pain, mood swings, and stronger breasts.

In pregnancy, blood patches that come out of the vagina are called implantation bleeding. This condition occurs when the fertilized egg is attached to the uterine layer (implantation process).

To find out the difference between pregnant and menstrual spots, you need to listen to the following reviews.

Summarized from various sources, differences in pregnancy and menstruation can be recognized from various things, such as:

1. Color of bloodstains

The difference between pregnant and menstrual spots can be seen from the blood-stained color that comes out of the intimate organs.

At the beginning of pregnancy, spots generally turn brown or dark brown. While menstrual spots were initially light brown or bright red, then turned dark.

2. Consistency of bloodstains

The next difference in pregnancy and menstruation can be seen in terms of texture. In pregnancy, spots occur due to implantation and are not accompanied by clots. While the texture of menstrual spots usually looks like blood clots.

3. Volume of bloodstains that come out

In pregnant women, blood coming out of the vagina is only light and not heavy. This is different from menstrual blood which has a fairly large volume. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, blood will appear with a mild volume and then getting heavier during menstruation

4. Time occurs

Flek signs of pregnancy usually occur outside the menstrual cycle. The bloodstains will come out about 10-14 days after conception or in the first trimester until gestational age reaches 3 months. Thus, blood clots that are pregnancy can occur at any time.

During menstruation, menstruation occurs regularly at the same time every month, except for women who experience irregularities in the menstrual cycle. It should be understood, menstrual cycles are usually repeated every 28-35 days.

5. Duration of output of bloodstains

During pregnancy, spots usually only last for a few hours or three days. While menstrual spots will occur for approximately 5-7 days or more accompanied by an increasing amount of blood coming out.

6. Accompanied symptoms

In pregnancy, the release of spots can be followed by various symptoms, such as:

During menstruation or menstruation period, the symptoms that appear can be in the form of:

7. Time pause

Finally, the difference between pregnant and menstrual spots can be recognized through the time of bleeding.

Pregnant spots usually appear and then disappear and then appear again. While menstrual spots will be followed by more and more blood volume coming out and lasting for seven days continuously.

That's information about differences in pregnant and menstrual spots. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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