YOGYAKARTA Having pets at home, of course, many of their behaviors are not understood. One of them, when dogs scratch the ground or floor. Not without reason, this unusual activity is actually natural. If these pets often brush the ground or floor at home, this is the cause.

Likeverting or sniffing, dogs scratch the ground into a hole, driven by the instincts of their predators. Even home dogs, they have this habit. When your dogs explore the page, they may hear and smell the smell of animals underground. Dogs with a high urge to prey, especially the terrier race, may dig in the yard to try to catch the creatures they hear and kiss.

Still due to instincts, some dogs may scratch and dig the ground to store their valuables. Such as food, bones, or even toys. They do this to hide something to be safe.

If the weather is warm, or the sun is hot, the dog may dig through the ground. The goal is to get cooler soil and rest there. Like Nordic dogs, namely Malamute, Huskies, and Elkhounds. Launching The Spruce Pets, Wednesday, June 5, this breed tends to dig the ground to avoid heat.

There are certain behaviors that dogs show when they are stressed or anxious. If a stressed dog is pushed past a certain threshold, it may become so anxious that it begins to dig in a panic attempt to escape anything that makes them frightened. This can happen even if the threats they feel are not real threats.

Apart from the reasons above, dogs who feel bored may do activities to overcome boredom, namely by sweeping the ground or floors at home. This behavior can get worse if the dog is not mentally stimulated or has enough exercise.

There is also a reason why dogste the ground or floor in the house next to the one mentioned above. That is because it is seeking attention, marking the area, seeking comfort to sleep, and seeking pleasure.

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