JAKARTA - Celebrity Poppy Sovia came back to play in a film by being involved in director Rudi Soedjarwo's latest film with the Rexcorp production house entitled When she comes to God. Poppy Sovia said she didn't want to go back to playing movies first because she felt tired in every shooting process.

However, when Rudi Soedjarwo offered directly to play in this film, Poppy Sovia immediately accepted the offer.

"Before this film, I had a break first, every acting process felt tired," said Poppy Sovia in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Wednesday, May 29.

"When I was offered again by Mas Rudi, I immediately accepted it, I was then told to be a mother, single parents and their children experienced bullying," he added.

Furthermore, Poppy tells a little about her character who is a young mother who has a distance from her child.

"My character is social climbing, I want to exist here and there, until I forget the essence of a mother who shouldn't have a distance from her child. I'm a young mother, I have to imagine how I will be in the next few years," said Poppy.

To explore this role, Poppy had to look at her friends' lives until they realized that the distance between children and parents really existed.

"I saw my friends, then I felt eh yes, yes, many like that said meeting but it turned out to be a disco," he explained.

Poppy feels that playing in this film she has to learn to be a young mother who has to face the condition of her child who is a victim or a bully.

"This is an extraordinary opportunity for me, apart from learning to be a young mother, but I can get a lot of lessons learned. What should be done and what should be done if our child becomes a victim, or what if our child becomes a bully," he said.

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