YOGYAKARTA Hairpin creams, generally used to remove hair in unwanted places. For example in the legs, hands, armpits, and genitals. The average hair removal cream has satisfactory results. Hair that grows in unwanted places can fall out and results are smooth. But it's important to know, wearing hair removal cream has side effects, including the following.

If you've used hair removal cream before, you must know that the place the cream applies has a different aroma. The smell isn't necessarily bad, but it's not fun either. According to licensed beauty expert reported by Byrdie, Friday, May 24, Jodi Shays, if you have sensitivity to a pungent odor or asthma, smoke from a drug cream removing chemical hair can cause a reaction.

So for sensitive skin owners, they must consider what chemicals are formulated in this cream. Sometimes, manufacturers also use fragrances so that the aroma is more fragrant but that doesn't mean there's no risk of triggering unwanted side effects.

The ingredients formulated in hair removal creams are powerful chemicals. Skin can be damaged with hair removal cream if you leave the product for too long. Obviously Shays, this cream is basically designed to 'burn' your hair on the skin's surface. When you need to wear it, you have to follow the instructions.

It is important to note that hair removal creams are not suitable for all areas. Do not use them in areas such as eyebrows, nose, and ears. This is because it can enter the eyes, nostrils, and ear ducts, causing the skin to catch fire.

In general, hair-doped creams do not last long compared to other ways of removing hair, such as waxing. Because this cream does not straighten the hair until the roots. So that hair can grow even thicker.

When you apply hair removal creams, the majority of hair may fall out. But hairlets are difficult to respond to because they are not touched by creams or because hairlets are under the skin so they can't reach them without creams and leave small blacks.

After using hair removal creams in the legs or hands, for example, the skin will be more wide of sun burning. This means that if you regularly apply creams that stock your legs and hands, you must continue to protect the skin of the area so that side effects do not add complaints to your appearance. For example wearing sunscreen or wearing long clothes that cover the area.

In addition to considering the side effects of using hair removal cream as described above, it is also important to research the products that you will use first. Choose good reviews and instructions that are easy to follow. When using hair removal cream, stop using palace products, such as retinol, skin peeling acid, and scrub. After three days, you can continue to use the product again.

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