JAKARTA - Celebrating New Year's Eve does not mean forgetting the healthy intake for your body. There are various choices of dishes that you can prepare and eat tonight.

One of them is grilled shrimp. One portion of cooked shrimp (with a weight of 3.5 ounces) contains about 99 calories, less than one gram of fat and 24 grams of protein, making it a low choice of calories and high protein.

"Don't roast any bread. Try grilled shrimp, chicken or beef with a mini satai stab to opener the size of a bite," said diet expert Breea Johnson as quoted by Livestrong.

Add a little taste to the shrimp without piling up a lot of calories, namely adding grilled vegetables, kucai, garlic, and a little olive oil.

If you want to add a punctured vegetable dish like satai, Johnson recommends a nutritious combination of tomatoes, zucchini, broccoli, onions, and other favorite vegetables.

You can also add a small piece of fresh mozzarella cheese. Then, if you want to add meat, choose one without fat like grilled chicken.

Don't forget to prepare delicious sauce such as lemon leaf sauce or one of the many sauces made from soy sauce. Make sure to use salted soy sauce to reduce sodium.

Other food choices, kale chips. These vegetables are packed with nutrients such as flavonoid compounds such as lutein, zeaxanthin, beta carotene and antioxidants, namely vitamins A, C, B-6 and K, and minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus.

Replace potato chips with grilled kale chips for a healthy and light choice. Just prepare the kale and cut it small. Mix the pieces with salt and olive oil and roast it until it's crunchy for about 20 minutes.

Even if you still want to eat French fries, you can make it healthier. Chef from America, Devin Alexander as reported by Shape.com suggests you boil the potatoes first for 2-3 minutes then dry it. Add olive oil and roast it.

This dish only has less than a third of the fat from similar foods served in fast food restaurants. To get a fiber bonus, don't throw your skin away because there sometimes at least 50 percent of the fiber.

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