YOGYAKARTA If you ask if you can keep bananas in the freezer? Of course the answer is okay but how to store bananas to freeze but still fresh requires a little trick. Otherwise, the ripeness of the bananas is less than optimal.
As is known, bananas are potassium-high fruit. In addition, this fruit is quite easily damaged. Bananas cannot be stored for too long because black spots will appear on their skin. Here's how to store frozen bananas to keep them fresh.
Saving bananas in the freezer can be done as long as you pay attention to various things. For example, not placing bananas by stacking them, or mixed with certain liquids.
It should be noted that usually bananas are sold in a ripe condition so that storing bananas sometimes needs to be done until the fruit is cooked. If stored in the right way, bananas will mature within 2 to 5 days. How to store bananas must also be in a dry place to make them perfect.
Saving bananas in a refrigerator or freezer is permissible but it is recommended to wait for the banana to be cooked first if you want to be consumed in the near future. The reason is, the cold air in the refrigerator or freezer will make banana maturation slower so that bananas will be cooked for a long time. Therefore, bananas are better stored in the refrigerator after cooked.
On the other hand, if bananas are to be consumed for a long time, they can be stored before cooked but by paying attention to the procedure.
Saving bananas in the refrigerator or freezer can be done by cutting bananas first. This method is used to save space. Here's how to store cut bananas, reported by Glad.
Some people also choose to smooth bananas with a blender. This is usually done if bananas want to be used as banana bread or other banana menus with a subtle need. The way to store refined bananas is as follows, reported by Healthline.
It is also recommended to find out tips for storing bananas so they don't rot quickly.
In addition to whether it is allowed for bananas to be stored in the freezer, visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.
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