JAKARTA - The Indonesian film industry is enlivened with various genres, one of which is biographical films. The film Lafran, which was announced in 2023, is reportedly showing this year.

Radepa Studio presents the film Lafran which tells the story of a national hero, Lafran Pane, a founder of the Islamic Student Association (HMI) organization. His desire to establish an organization departed from the debate after Indonesia Merdeka.

According to Lafran, the organization can accommodate the struggle of the community. This two-minute trailer shows Lafran growing in Yogyakarta and Jakarta.

Lafran Pane is the younger brother of the writer fighters, Sanusi and Armijn Pane. Sanusi and Armijn Pane inspired Lafran's struggle before he moved to Jakarta, then moved to Yogyakarta. The thought of an independent student organization, not affiliated with political parties to awareness of the importance of the community as well as Indonesia, formed a line of struggle with his friends.

This 'Lafran film seems to be a 'laen' film when it was released in today's times. Success followed horror films and made it a mainstream film, as if giving birth to biographical films such as Lafran. That's why, we call this Lafran film a 'completely late' film," said Deden Ridwan, one of the producers of Lafran's films.

"We want this biographical film like Lafran to inspire millennials at this time. Pak Lafran's words that I'm lillahi ta'ala for Indonesia is a kind of spirit in fighting for something in an instant way. This spirit we want to share with the audience of the Lafran film," explained Ahmad Doli Kurnia Tanjung, Chairman of the Presidium MN Kahmi.

Directed by Faozan Rizal, Lafran stars Dimas Anggara, Lala Karyas Muchus, Tanta Ginting, Ariyo Wahab, Farandika, and others. It is known that this film has been produced since six years ago but was only released this year.

The film Lafran will be shown in Indonesian cinemas on June 20.

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