YOGYAKARTA The cause of the stomach feeling hot can vary, starting with food factors or health problems in digestion and the stomach. The heat in the stomach results in discomfort, even disrupting daily activities.

To treat the heat in the stomach, you must first find out why, is it because of certain foods, drinks, or medical conditions.

Sometimes the heat in the stomach is accompanied by other symptoms. Here are some of the reasons the hot stomach triggers discomfort.

Eating spicy food from chili can cause the stomach to heat up. This happens because it contains capsaicin from chili. When touching the stomach and intestines, the compound will trigger pain, pain, even heat. Here's how to deal with the hot stomach because you eat chili sauce.

The hot to burning sensation in the stomach can be triggered by GERD. When that happens, stomach acid will rise to the concavity. This stomach acid will cause heat not only in the stomach but in the chest. Usually, other symptoms that occur are sore, difficult to swallow, feeling like vomiting. How to handle a hot stomach because GERD is as follows.

Stomachflames can also trigger a hot sensation in the stomach. This condition is caused by the helicobacter pylori bacteria that attack the stomach and then damage the protective layer. As a result, the stomach is irritated and even inflamed. How to deal with gastritis so that the stomach does not heat is as follows.

Helicobacter Pylori infection can occur in the stomach. At that time there will be a hot sensation in the stomach. In addition, it will be accompanied by other symptoms, namely nausea, bloating, frequent compounds, loss of weight for no reason.

A hot stomach can be a symptom of hernia hiatus or hyatal hernia, namely an abnormality in the diaphragm or barrier of the chest cavity with a stomach cavity. Herry can trigger a hot feeling in the stomach but accompanied by other symptoms, namely pain in the left or right abdomen. Pain can appear when holding heavy objects.

It is recommended to identify the causes and characteristics of hernia so that it is not too late. When hernia disorders occur, it is advisable to immediately visit a doctor to get medical certainty.

Those are some of the causes of the stomach feeling hot. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.

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