YOGYAKARTA - If you are addicted to coffee every day, our bodies will depend on the increase in caffeine they carry. But again, everything that's too much is not good. Curious how the effects of stopping drinking coffee a month? Come on, let's discuss it here!

According to experts, there are benefits of reducing daily coffee intake or even stopping it at once.

I. Skin Looks Younger

Although coffee beans are said to have an antioxidant content that is able to fight free radicals, it turns out that drinking coffee is not as good as explained. Coffee can always stimulate skin disorders, especially making the skin look older.

This happens because caffeine is able to weaken the body's function to produce collagen naturally. When collagen is not created and is obtained fairly on the skin until the results of skin elasticity will shrink and give rise to fine lines.

II. Lowering Weight

When coffee is black without sugar and without sweeteners, it is proven that it does not have calories, it is different from the coffee added with various ingredients. There are so many contemporary coffees that are added sugar, cream, and various sweetener mildes into them.

This contemporary coffee concoction that experts fear can affect weight spikes. The definition of a decrease in weight after ending coffee consumption is specifically intended to stop consuming coffee with sweeteners and other additional ingredients.

III. Lower Blood Pressure

According to nutritionist The Lakatos, a lot of blood pressure after drinking coffee specifically occurs in young coffee consumers. The Mayo Clinic also explains that the caffeine content in coffee greatly affects the circulation of blood.

Caffeine can widen the arteries, which as a result, the blood flow will be higher and the pressure will automatically increase. Not only that, caffeine can also stimulate the hormone adrenaline and make the heart pump blood faster.

IV. Sleep So Better

Caffeine is a component that can stimulate brain activity and central nerves. This sometimes makes some coffee consumers feel trouble sleeping after spending a cup of coffee.

At the end of consuming coffee, the content of caffeine in the blood will be lost for a longer time so that the quality of sleep will be better because brain activities will be calmer. Moreover, consuming coffee up to 6 hours before bed is recognized as an aspect that degrades sleep quality.

V. Reduces Nodes To Gigi

The dark color of coffee can be caused by yellow spots on the teeth if consumed too often or a lot. This yellowing rickshaw will be very difficult to remove and interfere with appearances.

Some research also shows that the large acid content in drinks does greatly affect the color of the enamel of the teeth. Overcoming a high coffee, which contains acid, is said to be able to help the teeth become whiter.

VI. Better Nutrition Absorption

For nutritionist The Lakatos, consuming stopped coffee can help the body absorb better nutrients. "Your body will better absorb nutrition if it stops consuming caffeine," said Tammy and Lyssie Lakatos.

Many studies also show that caffeine in coffee can disturb the absorption of certain nutrients in the body. For example, such as vit B, calcium, iron to magnesium that the body needs.

In addition, you must recognize the symptoms of caffeine addiction and The Reason Why Coffee Addict Is Difficult to Stop Drinking Coffee so that you can measure how dependent you are on coffee.

So after knowing the effects of stopping drinking coffee for a month, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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