YOGYAKARTA Footwear becomes the focus as the feet support the body. When choosing the wrong footwear, the effect is not only uncomfortable but causes misalignment of engagement, joints, and tendons. According to leg disease expert at the University of Medicine, Arizona, totaling Rottman, DPM., the lower and upper leg muscles will work harder if the shoes don't fit. This causes fatigue and pain.

For this reason, wearing the right footwear does not only help prevent leg pain. But also good for your body. So avoid the wrong choice of shoes like below.

Trying shoes before buying them, the most appropriate in the afternoon. The reason is that the longer you wake up and stand up, the more swollen your legs tend to be. Many people buy shoes do not consider the moment of the feet when they are most naturally prone to buying footwear that is too tight. So Rotten suggested, don't try and buy shoes or footwear in the morning. Tell me until the afternoon, when your feet are in peak condition after activity.

As you get older, your legs tend to lengthen and your shoe size increases due to tendon and tendon stretching and loss of elasticity. Fluctuations in weight and medical condition can also cause changes in shoe size. As a result, people end up wearing larger shoe sizes so they can be used over a long period of time. But it's important to choose a comfortable size. Don't be too small to make your feet abrased or too big. But Rottman recommends increasing the size of half or one for running shoes.

Sepatu ten atau twenty tahun lalu, mungkin tren kembali. Tetapi menggunakan lebih banyak merugikan manfaatnya daripada mendapatkannya. Sepatu yang sudah aus atau sol tembingnya lepas, bisa menyusah.

Wearing outdated shoes can cause leg pain due to plantar fasciitis, tendonitis, fractures due to stress, andshin splints. This happens because outdated shoes do not have the necessary cushions and support to protect our legs from damage. Sol shoes that are obsolete due to striking patterns on the feet can also cause unnatural walking styles and further worsen this problem, "said Dr. Rottman.

Walking without footwear on the floor or long road duration, will cause problems on the feet. Hard wooden floors and tiles, can put inappropriate pressure on the feet and exacerbate pain for a long time.

Running for a long time without footwear, especially on a hard surface, can also cause moisturizing skin, fractures due to stress, shin splints, and leg injuries such as tendonitis and plantar fasciitis. In addition, walking without footwear is at risk of infection transmitted through water and ticks.

Wearing shoes must be adjusted to your activities. For example, when going hiking, avoid wearing sneakers because it will make your steps limp because your ankle hurts. For that, Rottman's message, use the right shoes according to activity.

High heels, not wearable. It's just that as described above, it's important to consider footwear according to activity. In addition to making it look fashionable, high heels also make the posture look well. But avoid wearing it for too long because it causes leg damage due to Bunion, Summer toe, plantar fasciitis, and others.

Doctor Rottman's advice, if you have to wear high heels, wear it with a round end so that your toe has more space for movement. He added, avoid the stimulus and seek rights with blocks or wedges with a height of less than 2 inches. Limit the time to use it.

A number of people have a flatter leg shape, some have a high arch. If your shoes feel uncomfortable, try to consult a leg disease or medical service expert. Maybe the discomfort is followed by pain and tingling on your toe, heel, football, ARch or arch of the middle inner leg. This is a sign that you need to add to the arch of your leg. Or you need to buy shoes with comfortable cushions.

Those are seven mistakes in wearing shoes that make your feet hurt. This means that in addition to choosing a trendy style, it is also important to choose comfortable footwear.

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