5 Tips For Nyenyak And Quality Sleep, Suitable For Insomnia
Illustration (Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Sleep is one way for humans to rest. Unfortunately, sleeping well is quite difficult to obtain so that your rest pattern becomes disturbed, then has an impact on body fatigue when facing a routine the next day. One of the leading sleep doctors from the United States, namely Dr. Michael Breus shared five tips on how you can sleep well below, as summarized from ANTARA, Tuesday, April 30.

The first step so that you can sleep well regularly every day is to recognize and set a sleep schedule. This needs to be done so that the bedtime time has a regular rhythm so that biological hours and body functions will be adjusted and run smoothly.

Another tip to be able to sleep well is to wake up in the morning to enjoy 15 minutes of morning light. This step is important in helping to regulate the production of the melatonin hormone or sleep, launching an internal body watch for 24 hours, and helping the body get hit by a light and dark pattern regularly.

Caffeinated drinks, such as coffee and energy drinks, have an 8 hour stimulant effect and this means preventing you from getting a good and quality sleep. If possible, try to avoid caffeinated drinks starting at two in the afternoon so you can sleep well.

The next tip to be able to sleep well is to exercise regularly every day. You don't have to go to the gym or run a long-distance marathon, just by doing simple sports such as walking to the office can help you get a good sleep.

Exercise is recommended to help sleep well, but don't do it four hours before bedtime. Apart from making it difficult for you to sleep, this habit also shows that you are an undisciplined person in exercising. It's a good idea to exercise no later than during the day.

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