JAKARTA - Irfan Hakim bluntly wanted to be Abidzar Al Ghifari's father-in-law. This news began with the interaction between Irfan Hakim and Umi Pipik on a television show, Irfan wanted Abidzar to be his future son-in-law.

Currently, Irfan Hakim has a 15-year-old child named Aisha Maydina Hakim. He wanted to match Aisha with Abidzar Al Ghifari.

Irfan Hakim admitted that he had won the besan Umi Pipik. He felt Abidzar as his ideal son-in-law. According to him, Abidzar served Umi Pipik. He expressed his wish when making a video call with Umi Pipik.

"Abidzar is my parent, we're famous, ma'am," said Irfan Hakim, quoted from the Trans7 YouTube channel.

"I have a child named Aisha, 15 years old like Bilal. She also likes to steal songs in English," he continued.

Not only that, this 48-year-old man introduced his three children, one of whom was already Hafiz Quran.

"Umi want to choose Aisha, Rakana or fire? Rakana is already 10 juz decent," asked Irfan.

"Yes, I'm really looking for a hafiz Quran," said Umi Pipik.

Even though Aisha is still 15 years old, Irfan Hakim still wants to match his daughter with Abidzar.

Knowing the matchmaking, the star of the film Note Si Boy gave a wise response. "It also depends on his son. If the child who is matched is relaxed following his parents, everything is gone be fine," explained Abidzar, quoted from Era, Friday, April 19.

The second child of the late Ustaz Jefri Al Buchori alias Uje and Umi Pipik felt that the mate came from herself, not because of her parents. However, Abidzar chose his running mate himself.

"Only if the child himself wants, if in my opinion, don't force him, don't match him," said Abidzar Al Ghifari.

"If I'm not matched, because we definitely know what's best for us. For me, the reason is I want it myself," he continued.

The upload was flooded with netizens' responses. They support Abidzar's match with his son Irfan Hakim.

"I don't know why I agree with all the artists who are matched," commented the account @isnaeni_tur****

"How come I agree with this one," wrote the account @halijah_***

"Hopefully there will be a hook," said the account @alfii_syu****.

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