Avoid Meat And Cooking After Eid To Lower Kolestrol Level
Meat Olate (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Meat and fried foods should be avoided after Eid in order to lower cholesterol levels. In addition, foods contain coconut milk and avoid foods such as meat, seafood, and fried foods. Also avoid eating pastries that may have been consumed a lot during Eid. "We must return it as usual, that we eat as usual, no longer eat pastries, then eat beef or goat instead to fish variations," said Clinical Nutrition Specialist from Hasanuddin University Dr. dr. A. Yasmin Syauri, M.Sc, Sp.GK(K) quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, April 16.

A healthy diet after consuming a lot of Sanitated food during Eid can be applied by applying a balanced diet, namely foods that contain carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins and minerals. Yasmin also recommends that nutrition be in three main meals a day, namely breakfast, lunch and dinner.

In addition to high cholesterol levels, a person may also experience weight rising during the fasting month and Eid. Weighting which continues to rise during fasting until Eid is also at risk of making various metabolic diseases appear, including hypertension, diabetes, gout or cholesterol to other diseases.

During the fasting period or Lebaran, weight rises, among others, due to physical activity and unbalanced food intake

Therefore, exercise is needed to lose weight after Eid. In addition, Yasmin also suggested limiting the consumption of fat and carbohydrates, including sugar and fried foods, especially fried diets. "Including fried fish, fried chicken, especially fried chicken flour, that's what should be avoided so that weight returns to ideal," said Yasmin.

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