The day after Taemin, it was SHINee's Onew who announced her new agency. Today, Wednesday, April 3, he uploaded his new appearance and his new agency after ending his solo contract with SM Entertainment.
We are happy to be with Onew in their new move. GRIFFIN Entertainment will not waste any effort so that we can be a home for our artists," said his new agency, GRIFFIN Entertainment.
This new agency made Onew their first artist. At the same time, they uploaded a photo of Onew with her hair that is now being left long.
"We are determined to provide a shelter where artists can thrive and let their talents and talents illuminate the world," GRIFFIN visioned of their agency.
The Descendants of the Sun actor also uploaded his latest photos with the caption, "This is a long wait, right? Thank you!"
Onew also shared photos on Instagram Story by adding, "Something big is coming?"
SHINee's Onew has been on hiatus since June 2023 until she reportedly terminated her exclusive contract with SM Entertainment. The agency previously said SHINee's contract would continue while members had options for their individual contracts.
Among the four SHINee members, only Onew and Taemin did not continue their individual contracts with SM Entertainment. Taemin joined Big Planet Made and Onew with GRIFFIN Entertainment.
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