YOGYAKARTA Even after death, someone doesn't like to be forgotten so many ways are done. Such as leaving the legacy, making sure it is remembered forever, and building monuments, for example. Scientifically, it turns out that this has been discussed in the journal New Ideas of Psychology in 2023 by the Waggonary, et al. In the article, scientists identify five main reasons why people want to be remembered or don't like to be forgotten.

As a social being, humans are in touch with other humans. Therefore, many people spend a lot of time making sure others like it. Scientists show that for some people, the desire to be remembered positively after death may only be a psychological artifact and a strong desire to be liked by others while still alive.

In general, it is remembered that positively does not provide direct benefits. But building a social reputation that may affect success in work, looking for a partner, or affect other families.

According to the scientist, in the context of not wanting to be forgotten after death, maybe because it builds a strategy against anxiety. In order not to worry about death which has a negative impact on satisfaction with life and mood, one builds a'symbolic civilization' so that it makes the person left behind remember the person who died with symbolic residence. For example, leaving the legacy in any form, including certain homes or other materials. This symbolic approach is something of high value because it creates long-lasting memories and is considered important.

Another reason why people want to be remembered is because they want to tell personal stories to others. People often see themselves as heroes, protagonists, or other people. This life story, which he wants can inspire others.

Launching Psychology Today, Wednesday, March 27, in psychoanalysis there is a concept of generality. According to scientists, this may also be the reason why people want to be remembered. For example, by writing a biography, giving moral advice, advisoring future generations. In essence, they want to be remembered for having a positive impact.

In general, it is very difficult to imagine the future. Including death, where awareness is no longer there. By leaving the legacy, for example, it will be easier for people to imagine the future after they die by thinking about what others think about them.

Those are the five reasons why people want to be remembered and don't like to be forgotten. In some ways, context with relations between humans. As if you don't want to be forgotten because people are social creatures who are networked, need to be loved, fight anxiety, and make sure life in the future is better.

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