Who Must Pay Zakat Fitrah? Here Are The Requirements For Muslims
Zakat fitrah (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - Zakat fitrah is a must-do practice during the month of Ramadan. Payment of zakat is mandatory for both Muslim men and women. The time for giving zakat starts from 1 Ramadan to 1 Syawal or before Eid prayers.

zakat fitrah's practice aims to clean the heart and soul of the nature of the kiki. This worship is also a form of sharing with people in need. Every Muslim is required to do zakat fitrah regardless of age, status, and gender.

The teachings for performing zakat fitrah are explained by the Prophet SAW, in the hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslims as follows:

You can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't.

Meaning: From Ibnu Umar r.a. said, "Rasulullah SAW has required zakat fitrah, one quantang kurma or one gatang sya'ir over slaves and independent people, men and women, children and adults. The Prophet SAW ordered that zakat fitrah be fulfilled before people would go to the Eid prayer." (HR Bukhari and Muslim).

Quoting from the Smart Book of Islam by Abu Aunillah Al-Baijury, zakat fitrah must be carried out by every Muslim, be it men, women, children, adults, slaves, and independent people. The size of zakat given is about two and a half kilograms of staple foods.

Do you always pay zakat fitrah during Ramadan or will you just start zakat? People who are obliged to do zakat fitrah are called muzakki. So who is included in muzzaki?

In the book Fiquh Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Class V by Yusak Burhanuddin and Muhamad Najib, it is called people who are obliged to pay zakat, namely:

Everyone who embraces Islam is required to commit zakat for themselves. Every Muslim must submit zakat, both young and old, as well as men and women.

A household head is also obliged to issue zakat fitrah. The delivery of zakat is not only for oneself, but also for people who are under dependents, such as wives, children, to household assistants if any.

Zakat fitrah must also be carried out for every Muslim who is still alive when the sun rises on Eid al-Fitr. A person who has just been born into the world or experienced death insakatul that day is also required to pay zakat.

Zakat fitrah must be fulfilled for someone who is able to support himself and his family. The obligation of zakat is also imposed on people who are not under the responsibility of others. However, for people who do not have excess assets, it is not mandatory to submit zakat fitrah. He has the right to be a recipient of zakat.

There are several conditions that must be met for someone who pays zakat fitrah. If one of the requirements has not been met, then there is no obligation to issue zakat.

Every Muslim who commits zakat and is paid zakat must meet the requirements for zakat fitrah. From the book Encyclopedia of Fikih Indonesia 3: Zakat by Ahmad Sarwat, here are the requirements for zakat fitrah:

That is the answer to the question of who is obliged to pay zakat fitrah. Giving zakat fitrah is a practice that must be carried out by all Muslims, both men and women, as well as children and adults. This zakat is given from 1 Ramadan to before Eid al-Fitr. Also read how to pay zakat fitrah online and the amount of zakat.

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