JAKARTA - The Palestinian militant group Hamas on Monday mourned the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, assessing the late Iranian leader has supported the Palestinian people during the war with Israel at this time.

President Raisi, a hardline figure who has long been seen as the successor to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, died in Sunday's helicopter crash in a mountainous area near Azerbaijan's border, officials and state media said on Monday.

The charred helicopter debris, which took President Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, and his entourage were found Monday morning after a overnight search in the snowstorm.

"These leaders support the legitimate struggle of our people against the Zionist entity, provide valuable support to the Palestinian resistance, and make tireless efforts in solidarity and support in all forums and fields for our people in the steadfast Gaza Strip during the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood", the group said, referring to the war with Israel which began on October 7, reported by Reuters on May 21.

"They also made significant political and diplomatic efforts to stop the Zionist aggression against the Palestinian people," Hamas said in a statement.

In a separate statement, the Islamic Jihad group, which fought alongside Hamas in Gaza, said the late President Raisi and Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian "played an important and clear role in supporting and helping the struggle of the Palestinian people and their resistance to the ongoing Zionist criminal aggression."

"We believe the Islamic Republic of Iran can overcome this painful ordeal, as this country has overcome all the difficulties and challenges it has faced over the past few decades," the group added.

It is known that the leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad have repeatedly thanked Iran for its military and financial support for the group, in their decades-long fight against Israel.

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