JAKARTA - The family of well-known comedian Christian Barata Nugroho (61) or known as Polo from the Srimulat group fulfilled his last wish. Polo was buried at his hometown Public Cemetery (TPU) in Kertosari Village, Geger District, Madiun Regency, East Java, Thursday, March 7.

Polo's sister, Agung Cahyo Wibowo in Madiun, Thursday, said that the funeral selection in Madiun Regency was Polo's last request.

"Pokoke aku tidak muleh ning Madiun, neng Kertosari ae'. (Poknya saya pulang ke Madiun, di Desa Kertosari)," ujar Agung Cahyo memilamikan keinginan saudara saat sakit dikutip dari ANTARA, 8 Maret.

According to Agung, his first brother had been in and out of the hospital because of the lung disease he had. A week ago, Polo had stated that he wanted to return to Madiun and retire from the entertainment world.

Unexpectedly, Sang Khalik summoned Polo Srimulat on Wednesday, March 6 afternoon while undergoing treatment at Anna Medika Hospital, Bekasi, West Java, until finally the family agreed to bury him in Madiun.

Meanwhile, upon the arrival of the group carrying the body at the funeral home, the family could not help but cry. Before being buried, Polo's body was blessed at the Jawi Wetan Christian Church (GKJW) near the funeral home.

Then Polo's body was buried near the graves of his parents at the Kertosari Village TPU which is about 500 meters from the funeral home.

During his career, senior comedian Polo was not only active in the Srimulat comedy group. But he has played in several films such as Jodoh Kau Kutangkap (2011) and the Mystery of the Shocked Market (2012).

There were several comedians who attended the funeral procession at Polo, including senior comedians from Madiun Kirun and others.

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