YOGYAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) revealed 3 modes of online fraud ahead of Ramadan, including several money that suddenly entered the account.

Chief Executive of the Behavior Supervisory of Financial Services Business Actors, Education, and Consumer Protection OJK Friderica Widyasari Dewi said that there were indeed many modes of fraud ahead of fasting and Eid. The reason is that the need and willingness of the community increased at that moment.

Launching from ANTARA, the woman who is familiarly called Kiki said the first mode was illegal online loan (pinjol). Generally, illegal loans will use the mode of sending several money to certain people's accounts, which in fact did not have time to apply for a loan.

He said the complaints that were adrift of illegal loans were currently in the range of 1,400 cases. However, it is possible that the number of complaints will increase.

Kiki advised victims of this illegal lending mode to report to banks and Portal Applications for Consumer Protection (APPK). In addition, he appealed to victims to report to the Task Force for Combating Illegal Financial Activities (Satgas PASTI) so that they can be followed up immediately.

"After that, don't use it if you never apply (loans). Continue to ask the bank to block the amount of funds, after that block the no debt collectors who collect and ignore them," he added.

Not only illegal loans, the second mode is the offer of certain packages at prices and abnormal discounts. He gave an example of an earthquake offering tourist travel installments, Umrah, and others whose costs don't make sense.

Third, there will be many modes in the form of parcels or parcels. Kiki warned of fraud in the form of wiretapping important information from someone.

"A lot of things happen in Ramadan, a lot of people send parcels. We also see the possibility of people sending information via WhatsApp and others for us to open an application, which in fact is a kind of sniffing mode, wiretapping action by hackers using the internet network," he explained.

"The main goal is to steal our data, important data, such as usernames, m-banking passwords, credit card data, email passwords, and others. Be careful don't just download applications and just open it if we're not sure," concluded Kiki.

Tips For Not Stuck In Online Phishing

In order not to be exposed to phishing, do not have time to click on unknown links, either via instant messages, SMS or email, especially if you don't know with the sender.

If you use a digital wallet or digital bank, identify the platform's official communication channel, whether it's a telephone number, web, email or an instant messaging account.

Create a payment application, Kaspersky recommends turning on a notification so that users can quickly know when there are suspicious activities. Also turn on the 2-layer authentication (two-factor authentication) to provide bonus protection on the account.

Never give one-time password or OTP codes to others. If it is absolutely obligatory to provide account access to third parties, make sure they are trustworthy parties.

Finally, when shopping online, stay away from involving emotions so as not to get caught up in online fraud. For example, discounts for certain celebrations are often held in a limited time.

Always think twice when shopping online to stay away from the risk of fraud.

In addition to the above modes of fraud, it would be nice to 'Be careful of the Mode of Fraud Through Fake Call Centers' in order to avoid any acts of fraud that harm us.

So after knowing the mode of fraud ahead of the month of Ramadan, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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