YOGYAKARTA After completing their activities, cleaning up makeup or makeup, it is important to do it properly. Removing makeup is actually a simple thing, but many people make mistakes. Not a few, the rest of the makeup attached to the facial skin is not completely cleaned.

Cleaning makeup is important because it allows skin renewal and prevents clogged pores that cause acne or comethod to form. Most importantly pay attention, when cleaning, avoid cleaning that contains acid or alcohol. According to dermatologist certifiedUL Song, MD. reported by Byrdie, Monday, February 19, cleaners that contain acid and alcohol are abrasive in skin barriers. This can result in skin drought and endanger the skin.

There are two cleaning compositions, namely oil and water. Both are quite effective in removing makeup. However, it is important to use one of them according to skin conditions. For example, for sensitive skin owners, it is better to use a cleaner made from water that is soft and does not erode the skin. For more, avoid doing this when cleaning makeup.

A dermatologist warns not to rub or pull facial skin when deleting makeup. Roughly rubbed the skin, especially around the eyes, can cause irritation and wrinkles, explains shot Lolis, MD., a board-certified dermatologist and surgeon based in New Jersey.

Lolis added that products that are too harsh are not suitable for your skin type. For example, alkhol makeup cleaning. Hard material can cause irritation, dryness, and sensitivity.

The remaining makeup, especially in areas that are often overlooked, must be thoroughly cleaned. Areas that are often missed, including hairlines, eyelids, and jawline circuits. If this area is not cleaned, it can cause clogged pores to cause acne.

Double makeup cleaning is important. Especially if you wear thick makeup, you need to clean doubles. For example, using two dishes, wearing a cleaning cream plus a refresher or washing your face with soap.

Fabrics or sponges that remove makeup, can be too aggressive if used in excess. While dirty hands, cotton, towels, washup, and sponges, must be completely clean when used to clean makeup.

Removing eye and lip makeup, is often missed. If the residue accumulates, it can cause irritation and infection. For that, make sure to clean these two areas completely.

That's something to avoid when cleaning makeup on the face. It's important to remember, cleaning your face is important before you rest. This gives facial skin the opportunity to rest.

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