JAKARTA Gold is one way to invest. The value of gold is considered safe and stable as a way to protect the value of assets from inflation.

"Investing in gold is very helpful to reduce risk by adding assets that don't depend too much on stock movements and bonds as portfolio diversification," said John Santosa, owner of gold shop HK Mustika Gold.

The HK Mustika Gold gold shop has been established since 1918. Centered on Jl. Pemuda 170-174 Magelang, Central Java, a shop under the auspices of HK Gold's parent company, now has 17 branches.

Gold, said John, is effective in protecting assets from inflation. This is because the value of gold is not affected by the price of inflation because gold has its own commodity prices.

"Gold is easy to sell or cash, providing flexibility to investors to quickly access funds if needed," John explained.

According to John, jewelry gold also has more value as a multifunctional investment. In addition to increasing self-confidence, jewelry gold can also be a hereditary heritage. Because, its value is always attached to the jewelry.

There are stages in investing in gold. First, determine the purpose of investing in gold.

Then, monitor the development of the gold price regularly. In addition, looking for a place or location to buy credible gold, "explained John.

In buying gold, said John Santosa, it must be in accordance with the investment budget. And, the most important thing is to store gold in a safe and reliable location.

"Don't forget, sell gold when the price in the market has reached your investment target," added John.

John added that the gold shops visited must be ensured to have a buyback policy. This is intended to make it easier for gold buyers to carry out buying and selling activities.

According to John, gold investment has minimal risk. This is because the value of assets tends to be stable if the investment objectives are long term compared to other investment instruments. Other investment instruments tend to fluctuate.

"Gold is very liquid, easy to disburse, and suitable to become an emergency asset. In fact, the purchase access is also easy, this instrument can easily be obtained in each customer's gold store. Don't forget, there are two types of gold that can be used as investment options, namely gold bullion and gold jewelry," said John again.

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