JAKARTA - Connected feelings are needed, especially in romantic relationships. With connections, you and your partner can build intimacy. And, one of the keys to the success of long-term relationships lies in the quality of each other's emotional connections.

If the connection has been well built, then gradually mutual dependence will emerge. Interdependence or dependence shows that you and your partner are aware of and appreciate the importance of emotional ties they have. While maintaining strong self-confidence in the dynamics of the relationship.

People who depend on each other realize their own values. As well as allowing each other to be yourself without the need to be someone else in order to achieve the success of the relationship.

Dependence on other people may sound scary or even unhealthy. When we grow up, we are often taught the value of excessive independence, self-esteem, and high value that is placed on attitudes that do not require emotional support from others.

Even though being independent is very important, this can actually prevent you and your partner from being emotionally connected. Emotional attachment to your partner can be difficult to achieve. even scary or not considered valuable in a relationship, especially for people who have a very large standalone attitude.

Healthy and dependent relationships have several characteristics, namely:

When your partner feels loved and appreciated, your relationship will be a safe place and can depend on each other. There is no longer any feeling of self in the relationship. There is only a sense of security and confidence that your partner will always be there for you.

The key to building relationships that depend on each other with your partner is to realize who you are from the start. Often people choose to be in a relationship just to avoid being alone. Without really knowing who they are, the values they have, and the purpose of the relationship itself.

Although feelings of interdependence are urgently needed. However, it would be nice if you don't forget your self-worth so you don't lose yourself. The licensed psychotherapist Sharon Martin, LCSW, referred to by Very Well Mind, Tuesday, January 16, suggests the following ways to maintain self-worth in the relationship, namely:

Giving your partner space and opportunity to do the same will be the key to building a healthy and dependent relationship with each other. Starting a relationship in this way can enable the creation of a safe space for you. And learn how you and your partner depend on emotions again without fear of losing themselves, being controlled, or manipulated.

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