YOGYAKARTA After exercise, the body needs to be given additional ammunition so as not to hunger. In addition, food also supports recovery after training. Plus, you also need to consider healthy foods for overall health. For these considerations, here is a complete explanation as well as a list of foods that can be eaten and need to be avoided after exercise.

Eating after exercise offers many benefits. According to clinical nutrition at the Mount Sinai Health System, Perri Helperin, MS., RD., CDN., reported by Vogue, Thursday, January 4, exercise reduces glycogen. Glikogen is a form of glucose deposit needed for energy. When exercising also muscle tissue is damaged and electrolyte is depleted. So by consuming food it will replenish energy levels, increase muscle protein synthesis, and hydrate the body.

Foods after exercise are also important to consider helping prevent injury. Jenna Stangland, MS, RD, a sports nutritionist and performance advisor to Momentous, says eating can fix stressed and inflamed cells after intense training sessions.

If you exercise light intensity, such as walking or certain movements in yoga and which do not involve a burden, you can eat until the next meal time to eat. But if the exercise is heavier, you should eat within 45 minutes or 1 hour after training. This is important especially when you are in the program forming muscles.

'Consuming foods [or] snacks after exercising faster allows you to refuel again two hours later to produce more protein and calories to support muscle mass formation,' explains Stangland.

A nutritionist at Centr, Angie Asche, MS., RD., said it was important to focus on 3R, namely recovery, refluxing, and rehydrating. That includes post-exercise recovery, replenishing energy, and rehydrating. A number of foods that can be eaten include carbohydrates that aim to recharge. High protein foods, aiming to improve muscle tissue after exercise. Well, to hydrate, you need to add fluids and electrolytes. More specifically, launches CSP Global, here's the list:

That's a list of foods and drinks that are either eaten or need to be avoided after exercise. In addition to considering nutritious intake after exercise, it is also important to select healthy food menus in daily habits.

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