YOGYAKARTA The most popular routine with lovers is weekly nights together. But more than that, it turns out that it's not just a routine like that. But living a routine with your partner turns out to have benefits to improve the quality of relationships. According to a clinical psychologist in relationships, Sabrina Romanoff, PsyD., routine provides a foundation, structure, consistency, and stability of relationships. In full, this is the reason why it is important to live a routine with your lover or partner.

Adding spontaneity may make routines more attractive. But spontaneity opens up an unpredictable possibility of stress. So planning a routine is important to do. Because according to Romanoff, routines build stability and intimacy that maintain long-term relationship commitments.

When you and your partner agree on a certain routine, each other will adjust and accommodate preferences. This process helps strengthen ties and improve your relationship.

"Every day you may pass late afternoon, but there is something that makes it meaningful, which is to live a routine with your partner. Routines can help you and your partner spend time together while doing activities that you both like," said Dr. Romanoff reported by VerywellMind, Monday, January 1. This can help make your quality time together more meaningful.

Planning a routine, agreeing on it, and living with your partner, building a commitment to realize it. For that, the commitment can be stronger because you and your partner prioritize each other.

For example, you and your partner are doing the morning walk routine together. By living it, it means sharing your experiences and getting involved in one activity so that the sense of togetherness increases intimacy.

Routines help create consistency and can rely on each other. This can increase the trust of both of you and your partner. In fact, you can trust each other in going through a future relationship.

As explained in the first reason, spontaneity and uncertainty can cause stress. Sometimes it also triggers conflict if expectations are not met. So having a stable routine can help reduce stress and conflict.

Close Ramanoff in a review of the reasons why it is important to live a routine with your partner, by living it, you and your partner merge and integrate life. This means aligning with each other. But it's important to understand, a consistent routine doesn't require anything new. Ramanoff advice, take the risk of the two of them to create new sensations, for example trying new foods, new restaurants, or new activities.

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