Lee Sun Kyun Will Be Buried In Family Cemetery In Buan-gun Tomorrow
Lee Sun Kyun (Instagram @beloved_leesun Kinyuk)

The news about the funeral of South Korean actor Lee Sun Kyun has finally been revealed. It was said that previously since December 27, several events had been held at the Seoul State University Hospital funeral home.

Quoted from Allkpop, it is said that the wife of the late Lee Sun Kyun, Jeon Hye Jin, was already there to welcome her relatives and friends who were present to give her condolences.

In addition, Lee Sun Kyung's body is planned to be transferred to the coffin today, Thursday, December 28. After that, on Friday, December 29, the funeral ceremony for actor Parasite will be held.

Based on information, Lee Sun Kyun will be buried in his family's cemetery in the Buan-gun area, North Jeolla Province, tomorrow morning.

It is known that actor Lee Sun Kyun was found dead by the South Korean police in his private car. The police found evidence of a charcoal bricket that was still on.

Previously, actor Lee Sun Kyung was stumbling over a case of drug abuse. Not long ago he had been undergoing examination for almost 19 hours.

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