JAKARTA - Unpleasant news came from presenter Ferdy Hasan who told about his failure in building a business. This was revealed by Ferdy when invited to a podcast with Deryansha Azhary. At this moment, Ferdy shared that he built 7 businesses at once in one investment. For this reason, he has hired people to take care of his business. "I have a luxury to choose the investment I want. Thank God there is (the money). I'm a professional to help me make seven investments that go simultaneously," said Ferdy Hasan, quoted by VOI from the Kasisolution YouTube channel, Tuesday, December 19. Unfortunately, Ferdy's thoughts regarding running a business are wrong at the same time. At first, he thought that if he directly ran his business simultaneously, and half of it lost, there were other business reserves. "In fact, maybe there was also my choice of fault. Of the seven, my health brain, for example, failed by half, there were four, meaning the remaining three, right. It turned out that Qadarullah had seven fallen," he continued.
Experiencing this, Ferdy admitted that he was almost crazy because of the considerable loss because the money he used was money from his decades of hard work. "What I'm sad is that I've worked hard for decades and left at 05.30 in the morning and returned at midnight because I didn't stop working and that's it. Gone," he added. "(Loss) above 10 digits aka tens of billions of rupiah," he concluded.

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