JAKARTA - Dhini Aminarti explained the key to harmony in her household with Dimas Seto. He said communication is the key to the survival of their household.

They agreed that when there is a problem in the household, they choose not to tell anyone or on social media.

"Take care of it, actually, the most basic thing, communication, so we have always communicated it for every time there is a problem, we try to solve it together, there are no third people, for example, we vent it on social media, we don't vent with the wrong friends," said Dhini Aminarti in the Bintaro area, South Tangerang, Sunday, December 17th.

Because according to Dhini, the thing to be afraid of is telling the wrong person so that the problems in the household are getting bigger instead of being resolved.

"So actually the key is because if we talk to the wrong person, the problem will not be solved, but it will be even more disseminated," continued Dhini.

Fortunately, this incident has never happened in their 14-year-old household. They likened to talking about their problems just in the room.

"No, thank God, mom, if you were married from the start, mas dimas always said that our problem is like it's only in the room, then later we'll be out of the room, it's all right, it's as if, as if there's no problem," said Dhini.

Even so, this 40-year-old woman admits that silence doesn't mean it's not solved, the most important thing is the condition of each other's feelings when solving the problem.

"But that doesn't mean we didn't solve the problem but when we were really in a cold head condition," he concluded.

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