The Resort Police (Polres) of Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), managed to thwart an attempt to smuggle more than 1 kilogram of methamphetamine at Minangkabau International Airport (BIM).
"Yes, that's right, officers managed to arrest a prospective passenger who was suspected of carrying methamphetamine," said Padang Pariaman District Police Chief AKBP Ahmad Faisol Amir in Padang Pariaman Regency, Sunday.
In addition to the estimated 1 kilogram of crystal methamphetamine, the local police also secured thousands of more narcotics which were suspected of being ecstasy pills from the alleged perpetrators.
The police chief said that currently he is still developing the case so that he has not been able to publish in detail the identity of the alleged perpetrator.
He said the alleged perpetrator was arrested by Aviation Security (Acsec) officers or airport security officers for suspecting the items brought by the perpetrators. After coordinating with the police, the suspected perpetrator was immediately taken to the Padang Pariaman Police for further investigation.
AKBP Faisol Amir said that from the initial examination the alleged perpetrator was known to be going to Jakarta. However, it is not known for sure the origin and purpose of the illegal goods will be carried by the perpetrators.
"So, until tonight we are still conducting an investigation so we cannot confirm the weight of the evidence, but it is estimated that it is more than one kilogram," he said, quoted by Antara.
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