JAKARTA - Since it was decided to divorce by the West Jakarta Religious Court, the relationship between the former pair Inara Rusli and Virgoun has returned to the new round.

The reason is, Inara Rusli's attorney, Arjana Bagaskara, said that his client filed a lawsuit against her ex-husband on suspicion of transferring royalties to songs without Inara's permission at the Central Jakarta District Court.

This lawsuit itself was included in the court list on December 14 yesterday.

"(The case) is the transfer without a copyright permit or Virgoun royalties to the label," said Arjana Bagaskara.

Arjana explained that Inara did not know the reason why Virgoun did this. The reason is, Inara is only a housewife who does not understand copyright.

"(The reason) I don't know us. Mrs. Inara is a housewife, I don't know about copyright," he continued.

On this occasion, Arjana tried to explain the civil lawsuit filed by Inara to the vocalist of Last Child's band. The first is related to the alleged transfer of copyright to label without permission from Virgoun.

"First of all, we argument that Virgoun has transferred copyright to the label without the knowledge of his wife. Regarding copyright, there are 4 songs, there are Love Letters for Starla, Evidence, People who are the same, and When you understand," he explained.

"Well, the 4 songs in the West Jakarta PA decision are shared assets. Because the joint assets must be in accordance with the wife's permit, please transfer them," continued Arjana.

Furthermore, Arjana hopes that the agreement made by Virgoun against the two labels suspected of receiving royalties will be canceled because they have committed unlawful acts.

"Second, asking for an agreement with the label to be canceled through this court. There are two labels with different agreements made by Virgoun. We consider Virgoun with these two labels to have committed acts against the law," he concluded.

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