YOGYAKARTA A designer's bag can be said to have an exclusive design that is incomparable to it. As a year-end review, it is important to recognize which international class luxury bags are said to be the best result of designer innovation and creativity. For those of you who love a collection of luxury bags, here's the list.

Luxury does not necessarily have superior quality. But when you mention the Cartier brand, you will immediately imagine how the exclusive bag design will not only perfect its appearance, but also suitable for investment. The latest series of Panthère de Cartier series bags has classic writing with various gold chains and colored gespers. The choices range from black, blue, white, gray, to red. This bag shows a charming and best design.

Small bags may be your preference. But make no mistake, the Saint Laurent Icare brand released a large maxi bag worn by celebrities, say Zowas Kravitz to Hailey Bieber's. Because of its large size, this bag is used daily. The design is hexagonal and its two sides are combined with a connecting chain.

This series bag, actually, was released several centuries ago, in 1999 to be precise and quickly popular in society. This Saddle series Dior bag, was re-released in 2018 and this year. Since its release, Dior has updated its design, both with a classic color choice, an iconic logo, a complicated but fresh style, and of course long test-resistant.

This Balenciaga series bag, refined from the Hourglass series released in 2019. Its Alas is curved with pointed and dramatic edges. The B brand logo is put on the buttons. This bag is a soft version of the Hourglass series. Its shape is at first glance less structured, but it builds an iconic silhouette.

If you are a fan of classic handbags, JW Anderson's bumper series will definitely be one of the targets. Sure enough, the bag with the edge of the tube shape and with a soft curve looks simple, sweet, and classy. The colors can also be adjusted to preferences. Not only bright pastel colors, this series also takes out monochromatic palette colors.

Classical mythology often inspires designers, including for the luxury bag work released by Versace, the Greca Goddes series. Gianni Versace is inspired by the myth of

Bottega Veneta has prominent product works, reported by Who What Wear, Wednesday, December 6. The brand's Sardine series bag, which has been present since 1966, uses gem details on the motifs on the yellower handle which functions as a bag handle. The material is skin that is not only worn at night but can also be combined for casual appearance during the day.

This bag with the best design, has been released since 20 years ago but the design is very relevant to various ages. What's more, this bag has a luxurious look, minimalist details, smooth lines, and structured.

Celine Taka sing has distributed luxury bags that many people want. This bag at first glance looks like a sweet piece of Waffle. Although fairly new, this series is worth a collection and investment because it can be resold at high prices in the years to come.

Toteme with T-Lock has a minimalist but aesthetic design. This luxury bag with the best design belonging to the Toteme brand, has a curved bag cover adapted to the shape of the hand and arm and a simple T hook.

Those are the ten best design luxury bags in 2023. Are there from a number of international luxury bags above, including your collection?

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