JAKARTA - Singer Bunga Citra Lestari alias BCL has now officially married Tiko Wardhana on Saturday, December 2 yesterday. Their own marriage was held behind closed doors on the Island of the Gods Bali.

In this second marriage, through uploads from his friends on Instagram, each of the invited guests was seen at the happy moment.

One of the guests who turned out to be present was the parents of BCL's late husband, Ashraf Sinclair, namely Dida Sinclair and Mohamed Anthony John Sinclair.

Now that he has officially married Tiko Wardhana, Dida has again given his prayers to BCL. This was revealed by Dida through uploads on his personal Instagram account. He said that he was grateful for the marriage of BCL and Tiko.

"Thank God, my beloved daughter Bunga Bunga is married to Tiko," wrote Dida Sinclair, quoted by VOI from her personal Instagram, Monday, December 4.

Furthermore, Dida wrote that Tiko was the most beautiful gift given by God to love, love and become a father figure for BCL's single son with Ashraf, Noah.

"The best gift from Allah SWT, to love, love and father figure for Noah. Amen," continued Dida.

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