Presenter Daniel Mananta has just finished the New York Marathon 2023 event recently. Uniquely, when doing the Daniel marathon, it was not listening to music but a sermon.

"So when I did it, I ran to listen to music, at the beginning I was really excited, but if for example a long run like running above 15 km, it might be felt in the first 30 meters but after that it will go down," said Daniel Mananta in the Sudirman area, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, November 14.

Not without reason, Daniel did this so that when running the tempo can be stable until the finish line. Therefore, Daniel chose to listen to the sermon.

"Well, I need something that makes me run so stable that I just put the song up at the ending, that's why I heard the sermon, at the beginning I seemed to hear the sermon, making my run stable," continued Daniel.

This turned out not only once by Daniel. He admitted that when he did the race he would also do the same thing by listening to the new music sermon.

"And about half an hour the sermon, after that it was only in the last 5 minutes that I heard very loud music. It's the same as a race, if in the race I can listen to the sermon during the marathon, now when I finished it the last 2 km I just heard really fast music," he said.

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