JAKARTA - The name Asha Smara Darra is included in the Best Actor category at the 2023 Indonesian Film Festival (FFI) Citra Cup even though he is a transpuan. Netizens also reacted to question Asha's gender. Seeing this, Reza Rahadian tried to explain the placement of Asha Smara in that category.

In a press conference for the 2023 FFI Citra Cup, Reza Rahadian tried to answer questions related to this as chairman of the FFI Committee for the 2021-2023 period. Reza said that the actor's decision was included in what category was the decision of the film's own producer.

"The second question is about Asha, a transwoman. We on the committee always get a list of actress actors, both supporting and main, through the producer's decision. So the decision is not on the committee but on the producers who register," said Reza Rahadian in the Sudirman area, Central Jakarta, Thursday, November 2.

"For example, I played in a film, where my role may be quite a lot in the film but suddenly the producer thought I would register for the category of supporting actors," Reza continued.

Furthermore, Reza explained, the FFI Committee only provided the form given to each producer to write down the names and categories of actors who wanted to be submitted.

"It's up to the producers, so we only give form, filled by producers, the names of actors, actresses in the films want to be registered in which category area. So I think it's clear enough, Asha is registered with the female lead, women and that's what we received," he explained.

"And we announced when his name was already in the vote by quite a lot by the academy as well, thus entering the sequence to be one of the nominees in the best female lead," said Reza.

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