YOGYAKARTA It's natural that lovers have different arguments. However, differences in arguments can be fierce and painful quarrels if they don't control themselves. Controlling oneself, including controlling speech, is done to avoid the bad effects of differences in arguments. The following sentence below, it is necessary to avoid being said so as not to worsen the situation of a lover's relationship.

The most ambiguous sentence and a lot of meaning. But when saying 'This is over' it can mark you don't want to have different arguments, bury them in feelings, or end communication. This sentence, don't say unless the relationship is really on the brink.

In differences of arguments, couples need to really know if something is wrong and how to fix it together without blaming each other. If one of the lovers says 'I'm fine' in the midst of differences of opinion, maybe he lied. Launching All Women's Talk, Wednesday, November 1, when fighting, it's easier not to say anything or be honest. Because saying this sentence, you won't solve the problem.

Maybe the sentence has a positive association, but when emotions peak, says balt' or muffle may be confined in the concavity. But never put out the word. Because holding and labeling your partner with oaths will not make the problem solved. Breathe and time lag to calm yourself first instead of giving out sentences containing insults and painful criticism.

Comparing and insulting loved ones, is not a good idea. So even if you're chatting or joking, don't use sentences that contain personal insults.

This sentence implies that a person cannot change. If your loved ones are often late or slow to respond, tell him that time is important for you. Next time, you may be able to remind ahead of time or remind the spare time before the specified time.

Everyone makes mistakes, right? Therefore, shedding mistakes on one person for your failure or disappointment is not wise. If you want to vent your disappointment, it's better to look for a positive transfer and not to your partner even if he doesn't fully fulfill his duties.

Maybe you've waited too long but haven't communicated it to your loved ones. So when you're disappointed, harsh words You're everywhere, too long can make your partner offended. Saying this sentence also doesn't solve the problem, it even makes your relationship with your partner uncomfortable.

Sentences that have come out of your mouth, are difficult to withdraw. If the sharp sentence I'm sick of you is uttered without thinking long, it will make your lover don't like to hear it. If you really feel it, try opening the conversation one-on-one. Choose wise sentences and the right moment to be honest with each other about how you feel. In this way, open up opportunities for you and your partner to improve the situation.

Although your feelings are piling up and you really hate the unresolved situation, it's difficult for your partner to accept the phrase 'I hate you'. Maybe your partner needs to be given the opportunity, or have a problem you have to dig deeper.

Differences in arguments with lovers may be common, but for couples who are committed together, it needs to be resolved with respect and understanding. No matter how disappointed, angry, and hate, it is wiser to hold back painful sentences from the mouth.

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