JAKARTA - Verlita happened to return to acting after 5 years of vacuum. The moment of his return was marked by his participation in starring in a film called Aku Rindu directed by Key Mangunsong.
Tells the story of a woman who feels compelled to build a school and teach in a remote village in Larantuka, East Nusa Tenggara, calm meets a child who has a true story about this film.
"Sad huh? Saya sada ada itu yang dialami anak anak di sana, itu emang real, dan anak-anak itu mereka cool banget banginya, anak-anak tadi 5 orang itu mereka itu ada satu scene itu scenenya cry, terus sudah dicut ada satu anak cry terus tidak bisa berhenti," ujar Verlita mariya di kawasan Senayan, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis, 19 Oktober.
"Until we finally stopped filming and we asked 'Why? Are you crying?' It turns out that the story of him experiencing is related to his life," continued Verlita.
Therefore, Verlita hopes that this film can be an inspiration for many people and see firsthand the potential of children in the regions, especially Kupang, which is not much different from children in big cities.
"So yes, I hope this film can be an inspiration for those who watch because the children there so that they can be raised are both the HR areas. So that people can also see that there is also no defeat, there is also a lot of potential that we can explore," continued Verlita.
"And the children who are extraordinary have a lot of fi acting skills there and must be given the opportunity, it's good that they can be on this project," he said.
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