Kojic acid is a popular skin care ingredient in Korean beauty products known for its brightening and tightening properties of the skin. Kojic acid comes from various mushrooms and is often used in cosmetics to brighten black spots, hyperpigmentation, and even out skin tones. So that the benefits you can feel, here's how to use skincare products with cojic acid content into your daily beauty routine, adapted from the Times of India.

Pastel Test

Before adding a new skincare content to your face, it's a good idea to do a patch test first. Apply a product containing cojic acid in the skin area, such as the lower arm and wait about 24 to 48 hours to see if there is a reaction.

Choose The Right Product

Buy skin care products that contain cojic acid. This can include cleaning, serum, cream, and even soap. Make sure the product comes from a brand that has a good reputation and ideally contains other useful ingredients that complement the effects of cojic acid.

Use Solar Tabir Every Day

Cojic acid can increase skin sensitivity to sunlight, so it is very important to use broad spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every day. This helps protect your skin from damage caused by UV light and prevents further hyperpigmentation.

Starting Slowly

If you only know cojic acid, start by using it every two days or several times a week so that your skin gets used to it. Monitor how your skin reacts. If there are no bad effects, you can increase the frequency of use gradually.

Applying To Clean Skin

Apply cojic acid products to clean and dry skin. This ensures that active ingredients can penetrate effectively.

Treating Black Flex

If you use cojic acid especially for hyperpigmentation or black spots, apply thin-thin directly to the affected area after washing your face and before using a moisturizer.

Avoid Eye Areas

Kojic acid may be too harsh for sensitive areas such as the eye or the mouth. So, be careful and avoid this area.

Monitor Irritation

Beware of irritation signs such as redness, itching, or excessive dry skin. If you experience these things, reduce the frequency of use or stop use altogether.


Kojic acid can dry the skin, so it is important to use good moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated.

Hyperpigmentation and black spots take time to fade, so be patient and consistent with your routine. Consult professionally if you have serious concerns about hyperpigmentation or skin problems, consider consulting a dermatologist. They can provide personalized advice and may recommend certain products or treatments.

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