JAKARTA - The MVP Pictures Production House produces the latest horror genre film entitled Di Ambang Kematian. Raising the story from a Utas on Twitter entitled Dibang Kematian, the thread was first revealed on April 15, 2022 by the @Jeropoint account that has been read more than 10 million times.
Amrit Punjabi as Co Producer admits that he likes the story built in the thread Diembang Kematian. But he admits that he has difficulty filming this story because of the large number of people who already know the whole story.
Fortunately, after asking Jero, he found a fact that there was a part of the original story that was not told in the thread. Amrit immediately used this to execute into a film.
"The story is that I really like it and I really look forward to it. And after I was crazy, but one thing is for sure what we think, 'How are you?' Actually, people have read the sequel. That may be the toughest challenge for us because the readers already almost know the contents of the story," said Amrit Punjabi in Kuningan, South Jakarta, Friday, September 21.
"But when I asked Jero, the writer, there are indeed some things that have not been told in the thread and I feel this ok is enough to make something that is still not told for this film to make something good in my opinion," he continued.
The next challenge is to visualize a story in the form of writing into an image. He admitted that he had to 'war' the script with Kinoi as the director and dulah the author of the script for this film Di Ambang Kematian.
"How to make something that exists in our imagination is like that picture. So there are a lot of discussions with the three of them with Jeropoint, with Dulah, talking about non-stop war scripts is the point," he continued.
"But at the end of it, we really feel, it's really perfect, even Jero himself when he read it again, which was written again by Dulah, really likes it and of course from the side, Kinoi and I are really confident about going to filming," he explained.
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