JAKARTA - One way to organize life in a new year is to do journaling. By journaling, a person can reflect on his journey in the previous year and prepare a resolution for the new year.
However, it is often consistent for journaling to be difficult to do, especially if the ideas of journaling do not come or are too worried about what to write. However, recently there has been an interesting trend on TikTok, namely junk journaling.
Junk journaling can be a creative and relaxed way to capture moments in life. Launching from Bustle, Thursday, January 2, 2024, junk journaling is arguably a scriptbook in a modern version.
The difference is that there are no certain rules or structures that must be followed to make them look more relaxed. It will also give the creator the freedom to include every precious moment that happens in his life.
Starting from used tickets, either concert tickets or others, stickers, or all small items that are often underestimated but can be part of a life story that you want to save. Unlike the usual art journaling that seems serious, junk journaling provides space for freedom of expression without any pressure.
With this freedom, it is consistent to make journals easier to do. Junk journaling is more relaxed and doesn't take much time, and doesn't have to worry about your handwriting.
In addition, collecting items for junk journaling can be a pleasant experience. It also provides benefits for someone more mindful or present at the moment.
Attaching, cutting, compiling things in journals can also create a sense of calm and focus. This also gives you the opportunity to remember beautiful moments in the future so that they are not forgotten.
This new year is the right moment to do junk journaling, which is creative and relaxed. Doing so is recommended to set small goals, such as filling in one page every week or adding one item every time you find or experience interesting things.
In this way, at the end of the year you will have a colorful journal, which records small but meaningful moments. You can enter any small things in junk journaling, such as travel tickets, concert tickets, fruit stickers, greeting cards from friends, and others.
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