JAKARTA - As a parent, Chicco Jerikho pays close attention to the nutritional intake consumed by her only daughter, Suri. Like children in general, Suri likes to drink chocolate-based noodles.

This is one of the motivations for Chicco Jerikho Penjarillind to collaborate with Lean Lab to reformulate powdered chocolate butter that is rendang sugar and high in protein made from hazelnut.

Initially, Chicco was one of Lean Lab's loyal customers from the last 1 year and really liked Lean Lab's convenience to be created as an additional protein source. "I like Hazelnut because it can be combined with other flavors. Now for Suri I like to make drinks, he is happy. Wife and parents have also tried it. They like it, so they are sure to be invited to collaborate," said Chicco when met in the Barito area, South Jakarta, Friday, September 22.

Chicco admits that he has followed a healthy lifestyle since the last 5 years. Starting from exercise, Chicco then adjusts a healthy lifestyle. This need is also in accordance with the needs of acting roles.

"I'm often busy with shooting that spend a lot of time outside, while I also have to stay fit. For that when I need additional protein, I will choose Lean Lab which can be consumed during rest, in the morning, or at any time," he said in the launching of the Pordium Bronchnut Selai.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Chicco's awareness to be more concerned about health also increased. He began to take into account the calorie and protein needs to maintain health. "I started changing breakfast with high protein consumption," he said.

Breakfast, he continued, requires high protein because this ingredient is the main key to building muscles (muscle mass and strength). Protein is also a source of energy that is more sustainable (can increase energy to start the day before activities). It is also important to consume protein if you want to lose weight.

Another reason is that during sleep the body (fast) does not receive any energy sources at all. Protein can also help increase the body's metabolism when consumed in the morning.

Lean Lab is made of roasted peanuts and then separated from the oil. So far Lean Lab has five product variations, namely hazelnut, chocolate, speculoos, matcha, and butter growers. They claim to only use the best ingredients.

"To maintain the best quality of some of our ingredients in direct source from abroad (imports) such as matcha, hazelnut, and speculoos," said Jaqueline, as Chief of Strategy of Lean Lab.

Still according to him, Lean Lab was released based on personal experience from co-founder Jonathan. He used to have difficulty losing weight because the healthy foods on the market were not much and were difficult to reach. From this personal experience, Jonathan was inspired to make food that is easily accessible to many people and has better nutrition.

"We are very grateful to have been entrusted by several well-known people as our customers. Some are Sandiaga Uno, Titan Tyra, Nana Mirdad, EatsandTreats, Yulia Baltschun, Jennifer Bachdim, and many more," added Jaqueline.

In general, they really like to consume Lean Lab because it is easy to apply in everyday life. Like jams of breakfast, meal replacements (protein shakes), it can also be created for desserts (cakes, cookies, cookies, etc.). "So, we are here for all customers who want to live healthier by consuming "lower calories" foods that contain higher protein," he concluded.

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