BEKASI - The Bekasi Regency Government, West Java, scored 4.08 in the evaluation of the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) in 2024. This figure is high and an achievement for the region.
"This achievement has been determined by the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform as an acknowledgment of our commitment and consistency in encouraging digital transformation in the government sector," said Bekasi Regent Dedy Supriyadi in Cikarang, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday 4 January.
He assessed that the 4.08 score showed a sustainable increase from previous years and not only reflected an increase in electronic and digitalization-based services in various fields but also efficiency, transparency to better public service accountability.
"Through a decision from the KemenPAN-RB regarding the results of the SPBE evaluation at central agencies and local governments throughout Indonesia in 2024, Bekasi Regency now has the title 'Very Good' with a score of 4.08," he said.
He explained that the Bekasi Regency Government in the last four years managed to boost the SPBE score which was only 1.6 in 2021, to 1.71 in 2022 and increased significantly in 2023 to 3.28.
He expressed his appreciation to all levels of government, especially the Kominfosantic Service which has contributed to encouraging electronic-based services and digitizing governance as well as the general public who have contributed to this achievement.
"This result is clear evidence of good synergy between the government and the community to realize more effective governance and responsiveness to the needs of the times," he said.
Head of the Bekasi Regency Communications and Information Office Yan Akhmad Kurnia said SPBE is a framework for implementing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in various aspects of governance.
"The main goal of SPBE is to increase efficiency, improve the quality of public services, strengthen transparency and accountability and encourage innovation," he said.
Yan Yan said that the SPBE evaluation was carried out thoroughly including aspects of governance, services and impacts on the community. The score of 4.08 is a very good level and is close to special which is the peak of the assessment predicate.
"We hope that this achievement can be a motivation to continue to innovate," he said.
This achievement also marks that the Bekasi Regency Government is an adaptive region to the challenges of the digital era and is committed to maintaining the sustainability of digital transformation so that the benefits can be felt widely by the community.
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