JAKARTA - Daniel Mananta as Executive Chair of DAMN! I Love Indonesia Pictures & Creative Producer decided to raise Glenn Fredly's life story as his latest project. In the kick off shooting and cast survey event, Daniel explained why he worked on this film.

This happened in January 2022 where he was not able to fall asleep. However, I don't know where Glenn Fredly's January song continues to rotate in his head.

"January 2022 I was in my room and I was sleeping with my wife. And suddenly my child came in and when my son came in, I seemed to be kicked out of my bed, and I finally tried to sleep again but I couldn't," said Daniel Mananta in Kemang, South Jakarta, Wednesday, September 20.

"I finally went to the living room and in the living room I prepared, there was a sofa, we prepared a sofa bed and during that long journey, Glenn Fredly's January song stuck in my head, kept going," he continued.

After continuing to try to close his eyes, the song became clearer. Until finally the 42-year-old man prayed for guidance from God.

Until finally from within his small heart, Daniel felt that this was a clue for him to make Glenn Fredly's life journey film.

"And even when I'm ready to sleep, back and forth are typical, if I can't sleep, look left, look right, look at the roof and still can't sleep. And the song is getting clearer and clearer. In my heart I finally pray, with God. 'God is sleepy, I want to sleep, why does Glenn Fredly keep ringing in my head?'," he continued.

"And in my heart, it seems like there is a small movement or small voice, from conscience or God's voice, making a film about Glenn Fredly's man, January 2022 and I am very grateful that today we can hold a press picket and soon we will be shooting. So this is a very extraordinary moment for me," he continued.

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