JAKARTA - Before someone donates blood, there are a number of things they need to know, one of which is the age of at least 17 to 60 years and 65 years for those who have donated their blood regularly until they finally stop taking care of the doctor, said PMI DKI Jakarta through their official website.

In addition, prospective donors need to have a minimum weight of 45 kilograms, normal blood pressure 100 - 180 / 70 - 100, hemoglobin levels 12.5-17.0 gr / dL and, for the safety and security of donors in accordance with PERMENKES 91 of 2015, interval time since the last blood donation was at least 2 months.

A person is not advised to donate blood, including having heart and lung disease, cancer, high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes, having an abnormal bleeding tendency or other blood disorders, having epilepsy and frequent seizures, having hepatitis B or C, siphilics, drug dependence, addiction to alcoholic beverages, high risk of HIV/AIDS.

Prospective donors also need to provide information about the medical condition and any drugs they consume because this can affect their feasibility to donate blood.

Then, when should someone delay donating blood? According to PMI, among others, when he was sick with fever or influenza, he needed to wait 1 week after recovering, after removing his teeth and waiting 5 days after recovering, after a minor operation and wait 6 months.

Then after a major operation, it is necessary to wait 1 year, after the transfusion is recommended to wait 1 year, after visiting the endemic malaria area, it is necessary to wait 1 year and after the vaccine, it is recommended to wait 8 weeks.

Speaking of the benefits of blood donation, if someone donates blood, then the body will replace the blood volume within 48 hours of the donor, and all the missing red blood cells will be completely replaced within four to eight weeks with new red blood cells.

The formation of new red blood cells will help the body stay healthy and work more efficiently and productively.

Tips when donors

As broadcast by Healthline some time ago, there are recommendations that can help a person prepare to donate blood, including drinking an additional 16 ounces of water before the donor's promise, consuming low-fat healthy food. Then, it is recommended to wear a short-sleeved shirt or an easy-to-rolled shirt, inform health workers about preferring to sit or lie down.

Listening to music, reading, or talking to other people can help a person relax during the donation process. One must register to donate blood including providing identification, medical history, and undergoing a brief physical examination.

He will usually also be given some information about blood donation to read. Once ready, the blood donation procedure will begin. For the procedure, usually prospective donors will be asked to sit down or lie down, health workers then clean the arms and insert a sterile needle. The donor will remain sitting or lying down while the blood is taken and the process takes 8 to 10 minutes.

After the donation process is complete, donors will be given snacks and drinks and can sit and rest for 10 or 15 minutes before leaving the blood donation location. If he feels nauseous or wants to faint, he can lie down until he feels better.

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