JAKARTA - Artist Boy William revealed details of costs incurred during treatment at Pertamina Central Hospital (RSPP) related to the corona virus or COVID-19. Boy revealed to Ashanty and Anang Hermansyah in a video uploaded to The Hermansyah A6's YouTube account on Tuesday, February 2.

"Yesterday's expenses you were in the hospital, what insurance is your own expense?" asked Ashanty.

Boy William spent almost a month until he was finally declared cured of Covid-19. "The total from RSPP alone is Rp. 70 million. Some have up to hundreds of millions of rupiah," replied Boy William.

Anang H admitted that he was surprised and did not expect the cost of treating COVID-19 to be quite fantastic. "Wow, I've lost time, came out a lot," said Anang Hermansyah.

Luckily the medical expenses are covered by insurance. Boy William admitted that he gave up. Now he ensures that he is more careful during his activities.

"Be more vigilant, and our team is now wearing gloves and a face shield. Everything must be sprayed. Except for me with a guest star because it is safe (because I have tested Covid-19)," said Boy William.

Not only financial losses, Boy mentally dropped enough when exposed to COVID-19. Even Boy William admitted that he thought he would die after testing positive for the corona virus or Covid-19. The reason is, the symptoms felt by the Indonesian Idol host were quite severe.

"At that time, I thought I might not die. That crossed my mind. I know I won't die because I'm still young. But I thought about dying. Moreover, it's just a bit. It's difficult to talk normally," continued Boy William.

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