JAKARTA - Sheila On 7 personnel appear to be in the Holy Land to perform Umrah. Not only Eross, Duta and Adam, but also Salman Al-Jugjawy alias Sakti was seen with them.

This togetherness is worshiped in a photo uploaded to Sakti's Instagram. These four friends smiled and embraced each other while at the Prophet's Mosque, Medina.

This moment means a lot to Sakti who left Sheila On 7 to study religion. He admitted that he had waited 18 years for the moment to come.

"ALLAH, I took us to Medina.. I waited 18 years to get things like this.... MaasyaallAH La Quwwata illa Billah," wrote Sakti in her upload caption, December 19.

Since leaving the group, Sakti is still maintaining good relations with Eross, Duta and Adam. On several occasions he is still often invited to perform and reminisce about the time when he was still in the same group.

The Sakti upload inspired netizens in the comments column. Not a few praised the beautiful friendship between them.

"Alhamdulillah. I am very happy to see you. Great friends and blessings. A good example. ," wrote Ariyo Wahab. "Friends to Heaven. Amen yaa Robbal experienced ... ," said Fadly, vocalist of PADI Reborn.

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