YOGYAKARTA Kissing sex is part of a romantic expression. Apart from being thrilling, kissing a romantic partner is associated with sexual arousal, bonding, and attraction. In a 2020 study involving 1,605 adults who are committed as participants, Dean M. Busby and fellow researchers found that the more often people kiss the more positive their sex experience with their partner. The following four aspects, which affect whether the kiss is extraordinary or messy.

Skills certainly play a lot of roles in presenting sensations. For this reason, many sex therapists and relationship psychologists suggest that couples who are committed to exploring so that the skills to develop dynamically as needed. The first aspect that determines intimate kissing is physical sensation. Namely how every coupled person moves their tongue, lips, head, and controls the smell of their breath.

There are limits in each relationship, therefore this second aspect is important. With whom you kiss also determines how intimate a physical sensation is. With your romantic partner, of course it will be warmer, feel safe, and filled with pleasure.

Still related to boundaries, the question where you and your partner kiss, it also affects how the sensation is felt. In private space, maybe you and your partner will enjoy more and can take a long duration. You can even 'play around' with the type of kiss your partner likes. But keep in mind, any intimate physical interaction, must get approval from your partner.

When you're angry, maybe the sensation will be different when kissing when you're relaxed. When love is in bloom, it has more potential to tighten your heart, a little nervous, but it's fun. Unlike when you are storing emotions in your partner, it may feel afraid and avoid eye contact or even avoid intimate physical interaction.

Launching Psychology Today, Monday, August 14, research found that the best kiss is usually experienced with a meaningful partner, namely someone who is related and both interested. Both have the intention of reviving the emotions of love, longing, and strong passion. In addition, intimate kissing with a meaningful partner is also associated with memories of positive events.

Clinical psychologist Cortney Warren, Ph.D., ABPP., suggests that each partner understands what they like when they kiss and talk openly with their romantic partner. Plus, research also found that kissing is more important before having sex than ever before. This expresses ties and emotional closeness to a partner.

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