JAKARTA - The Ministry of Investment and Downstreaming/Investment Coordinating Agency (BKPM) asked investors in Indonesia to submit the IV-2024 Investment Activity Report (LKPM) right at the predetermined time, starting January 1--10, 2025.

Deputy for Investment Control (Dalaks) of the Ministry of Investment and Downstreaming/BKPM Edy Junaedi stated that the report was needed to become the basis for evaluating national investment performance, as well as reflecting the impacts of various policies that have been implemented throughout the year.

"This data is not only a reference for us, but also helps ensure that all projects run according to plan, including resolving obstacles that may be faced in the field," he quoted Antara as saying.

He conveyed that the reporting of LKPM in the fourth quarter of 2024 is mandatory for medium and large businesses. In addition, small businesses are also required to report LKPM for the period July-December 2024 (second semester II).

Business actors can submit reports online through oss.go.id, by entering reported data including the development of investment projects, employment, and obstacles faced.

To facilitate reporting, his party opened an LKPM Clinic which can be followed virtually through Zoom Meeting starting from December 30, 2024 to the deadline for submitting reports.

This clinic takes place every 09.00-12.00 WIB, with a capacity of 100 participants per day. Business actors can register via the link bit.ly/TriwulanIV2024.

Furthermore, he emphasized the importance of LKPM as a monitoring and evaluation tool, as well as a communication medium to solve obstacles during project implementation. Business actors who do not fulfill reporting obligations can be subject to administrative sanctions to the revocation of business licenses.

"We believe that achieving investment targets requires solid collaboration. By reporting LKPM, business actors contribute to maintaining this positive momentum, as well as helping the government create an increasingly competitive investment climate in the global arena," said Edy.

As for the third quarter of 2024, Indonesia's investment realization figure shows a positive trend with significant growth, which is IDR 431.48 trillion, an increase of 15.24 percent compared to the same period the previous year.

The total realization of investment during the January-September 2024 period reached IDR 1,261.43 trillion, an increase of 19.78 percent compared to the same period in 2023. This indicates the stronger investor confidence in the investment climate in the country.

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