YOGYAKARTA The number of skin care routine steps, in principle, does not guarantee perfect results. But not a few people do skincare routines with many steps even though they don't really know which one is the most suitable and optimal. Responding to this, recently the trend of skin streaming, which summarizes skin care routines so that it is more minimalist.
According to Corey L. Hartman, MD., a board-certified dermatologist and founder of Skin Wellness Dermatology, skin streaming is a popular trend that aims to reduce the number of skin care products used in daily routines. Products used in this trend are only important products, for example using only products with certain active materials to get more profit. While some people who carry out this trend, also limit the number of products according to their specific skin needs. Regardless of the steps taken, the goal is to eliminate unnecessary products or steps in skin care routines.
The big benefit of skin streaming is to realize which ingredients are applied to the skin. So by knowing very well the ingredients formulated in the product that are used, it will be easier to identify which ones work well and which are destructive. Another benefit of skinstreaming is that your skin will be better in absorbing active ingredients.
"By choosing skinstream, you may find that your skin can absorb active material better, which in turn can mean you will see the benefits of your routine more consistently," Hartman said.
Second, the benefits of skin streaming, you can save more money. Instead of being obliged to buy products that are going viral, you will be calmer because you know that the material in the new product is not needed so it is efficient.
But besides having benefits, skin streaming also has a negative impact on those of you who have certain skin conditions. So consulting a dermatologist is important before taking the risk of undergoing a minimalist trend in your daily skincare routine.
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Hartman still recommends three mandatory steps in wearing skincare. This includes wearing sunscreen, providing antioxidant intake, and retinol. In addition to having to include cleaners that suit your skin type. In choosing a cleaner, Hartman recommends cleaning without fragrance and working gently for the skin. Cleaners, Hartman said, should be used in the morning and at night, especially when removing makeup.
Skincare product ingredients that contain antioxidants, including with vitamin C and are packaged in moisturizers. This will block free radicals, fade spots due to exposure to the sun, and prevent color change.
Skin streaming is worth trying if you want skin care routines to work smarter, not harder. That is by eliminating products that may not really benefit the skin.
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